Friday, March 23, 2012

Friday, quick update...

My new distributor, Jeannette Loraditch, has lost 12lbs in just over a week!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday, quick update...

Got an email right after church today from a gal in my town that found my herbal hub site online and wanted to know if she could get a French vanilla shake and Snack Defense ASAP! I was able to respond immediately that I had the products here at my house and she came over right away and picked up the products! I also gave her a catalog and some samples! A super easy sale all because of the herbal hub site and my quick response!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Saturday, quick update...

My customer, Jessica, lost 1 lb in 48 hours...and says the bloated feeling is gone...she only wants to lose about 10 lbs total.

Saturday, quick update...

My customer, Jessica, lost 1 lb in 48 hours...and says the bloated feeling is gone...she only wants to lose about 10 lbs total.

Saturday, quick update...

Just sold a QuickStart program to a young woman looking to lose weight for her upcoming wedding!