Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Herbalife as a sponsor of great athletes!

FC BARCELONA is arguably one of the best football (SOCCER) teams in the world! How exciting that HERBALIFE is their SPONSOR!  

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Herbalife featured on Jim Cramer's Mad Money!


Take a look at the video clip of his show yesterday:



Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Found the Perfect Place for My Daughter's Wedding...

...Now it is time to slim down as the Mother of the Bride! I am so glad I have Herbalife to help me reach my weight loss goals!


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Two Valentines Lost 285 Pounds Together!

I love INSPIRATIONAL stories like this! This couple TRANSFORMED themselves through determination and hardwork! Way to go!


They made the lifestyle change necessary to get the life they wanted. The key is determination and focus! It also helps to have TOOLS to get the RESULTS you want!

There are many ONLINE self-help sites to choose from but my favorite is the GREAT SHAPE TODAY community. At that site you will find some great tools and videos, as well as a community blog where you can be in contact with the others that are facing some of the same weight and health challenges that you are!

One of the tools is the Lean Protein Estimator, it is so EASY to use.

The site is free BUT you must receive an invitation! Please contact me at TeresaRust@theonlinebusiness.com and I will be VERY happy to invite you!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Got Calories?

Most people know by now that weight loss is achieved when you burn more calories than you eat! So simple, but yet so difficult, because we live in a country where we are blessed with a lot of inexpensive fast foods! I say blessed because we do not have to go hungry here as in many places in the world. But we do have to make choices!

Just as it is important to not ingest too many calories, you need to make sure that you ingest the right ones! Since many of us do not have access to the freshest organic produce and fruit available it is often hard to get all of the nutrients we need each day through food alone.

It is also hard to get the nutrient rich foods that satisfy us so we don't overeat and thus consume too many calories. That is where HERBALIFE products come into play. Formula 1 SHAKES and supplements help me in this, modern, sometimes very busy world, to get the nutrition and energy I need, and also allow me to control my caloric intake!

Thanks to Herbalife CALORIE CONTROL is so simple and within anyone's reach!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday, quick update...

I just received a shake reorder from a GST Shake lead from a sweet elderly lady in rural Washington State! Ina is so excited because she has lost 3 lbs. using the shakes once a day, and she says this is the first product that has worked for her!

Monday, February 6, 2012

My FIRST Grandson!

A GREAT reason to stay YOUTHFUL and HEALTHY! We have so much to do together, little grandson!

My Little Grandson is Growing so Fast!

My husband and I became grandparents for the first time in August 2011! It is really great! Our little grandson brings so much joy to any room he is in, just by his presence!

The other day he was here and my husband and I were marvelling at how quickly he is changing and growing..."It won't be long before he'll be able to go fishing and hiking with grandpa," my husband says! (he is only 5 1/2 months old!) :)

One thing Grandpa and I talk about a lot is staying HEALTHY and ENERGISED enough, to be able to play with and stay involved with our GRANDCHILDREN!

We want to leave an impression on them before our time is up here on Earth! This is one of our biggest motivations for getting and staying healthy...and I am so glad we found HERBALIFE products which make it easier for us to do just that!

Here's to quality time with your grandchildren!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

It is another beautiful day in Northern California!

My family and I have lived in Northern California since April 2000. We live in a special valley that is surrounded by mountains.

Today it will be close to 70* in the valley even though we can see snow covered mountain tops all around us! The result of our mild weather is that we don't have very many days of down-time! This means that we keep very ACTIVE all year long.

It has been difficult at times to keep up the pace as one ages, BUT now I am so excited because the SUPPLEMENTS I've been taking from Herbalife have really ENERGISED me and I can see that I will be able to keep going all year long!

For energy, I particularly love the: Herbal Tea Concentrate, Total Control, Liftoff, and my favorite between meal pick-me-up, H3O Fitness Drink! The H3O comes in little packets of powder which can be carried in your pocket or purse and added to a bottle of water. My husband works for the US Forest Service and loves this drink for his fieldwork!

If you need ENERGY, HERBALIFE has the products!


Friday, February 3, 2012

I think I am addicted to my Formula 1 shake recipe! ;)

SERIOUSLY! I find myself scraping out my glass with a spatula to get every drop of my delicious Formula 1 shake!

Every morning I start my day by blending this awesome drink into a frothy mixture!:

1/4 cup frozen berries (purchased in a large bag at Costco) 

1 1/2 cups soy milk (also purchased at Costco for a great price! No, I don't work for Costco!)

Two scoops of French Vanilla flavored Formula 1 shake mix (with PROTEIN!)

1/2 teaspoon of Herbal Tea Concentrate

1 scoop of Aloe powder (for the digestive system)

Then I finish every drop; I find I have to use the rubber spatula to get every last drop of goodness! :)

I repeat this for lunch without the Aloe powder!

So yummy!

Only 45 minutes until my next shake!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

My NEW Adventure - New Weight Loss and Energy PLUS a New Business Opportunity!

January 2012 has begun with some new and exciting CHANGES for myself! I have embarked on a journey of self-improvement...to become FINANCIALLY FREE and to improve my PERSONAL HEALTH and wellbeing! After being a stay-at-home mom for over 25 years for which I am very grateful I am ready for new adventures and expanding horizons!

My first goal is to lose 20lbs. from January 2, 2012 to April 2, 2012! I have already lost NINE lbs! This process has been so much easier with the awesome Herbalife products that are the mainstay of my new business venture!

You can easily follow my plan and I have no doubt it will work for you, too!

Please stay tuned!

Teresa's Herbalife Experiences

In December 2011, at the age of 55, and after having been a stay at home mom for over 25 years, I decided to start a new adventure!
This is a new business and lifestyle change adventure...I started working from home as an Herbalife Independent Distributor and also have a goal of losing 20 lbs by April 2, 2012.